Ένα εκατομμύριο άνθρωποι έχουν εκτοπιστεί σε περιοχές της χώρας εξαιτίας των ισραηλινών στρατιωτικών επιθέσεων
Ο πρόεδρος της της Βουλής του Λιβάνου Ναμπίχ Μπέρι, σύμμαχος της Χεζμπολάχ, ζήτησε σήμερα από τον ΟΗΕ να θεσπίσει εναέριο διάδρομο για παροχή ανθρωπιστικής βοήθειας σε σχεδόν ένα εκατομμύριο ανθρώπους που έχουν εκτοπιστεί σε περιοχές της χώρας εξαιτίας των ισραηλινών στρατιωτικών επιθέσεων.
epa11634983 People displaced amid Israeli military strikes in Lebanon gather on a street in Beirut, Lebanon, 01 October 2024. On 30 September Israel announced the beginning of a 'limited, localized and targeted' ground operation against Hezbollah in southern Lebanon. According to the UN Humanitarian Coordinator in Lebanon, Imran Riza, the recent escalations in Lebanon have led to widespread destruction of homes and infrastructure across the country. At least 700 people have been killed, thousands have been injured, and nearly 120,000 people have been displaced in the past week. EPA/WAEL HAMZEH
epa11634976 People displaced amid Israeli military strikes in Lebanon gather on a street in Beirut, Lebanon, 01 October 2024. On 30 September Israel announced the beginning of a 'limited, localized and targeted' ground operation against Hezbollah in southern Lebanon. According to the UN Humanitarian Coordinator in Lebanon, Imran Riza, the recent escalations in Lebanon have led to widespread destruction of homes and infrastructure across the country. At least 700 people have been killed, thousands have been injured, and nearly 120,000 people have been displaced in the past week. EPA/WAEL HAMZEH
epa11634986 People displaced amid Israeli military strikes in Lebanon prepare a makeshift tent in Beirut, Lebanon, 01 October 2024. On 30 September Israel announced the beginning of a 'limited, localized and targeted' ground operation against Hezbollah in southern Lebanon. According to the UN Humanitarian Coordinator in Lebanon, Imran Riza, the recent escalations in Lebanon have led to widespread destruction of homes and infrastructure across the country. At least 700 people have been killed, thousands have been injured, and nearly 120,000 people have been displaced in the past week. EPA/WAEL HAMZEH
epa11634731 Search and rescue team members try to find victims following an overnight raid by the Israel army on the Palestinian camp of Ain Al Hilweh, in Sidon, Lebanon, 01 October 2024. On 30 September Israel announced the beginning of a 'limited, localized and targeted' ground operation against Hezbollah in southern Lebanon. EPA/STR
Ο Μπέρι, σύμφωνα με δήλωση του γραφείου Τύπου του, κάλεσε τον ΟΗΕ «να δημιουργήσει αερογέφυρα που θα διασφαλίζει την παράδοση του υλικού ανθρωπιστικής βοήθειας». Παράλληλα ζήτησε από την τη ΔΕΕΣ (Διεθνής Επιτροπή του Ερυθρού Σταυρού) και τον Ερυθρό Σταυρό του Λιβάνου να «εκτελέσουν το καθήκον τους» παραδίδοντας τρόφιμα και ιατρικές προμήθειες στους Λιβανέζους στο νότιο τμήμα της χώρας.
Πηγή: ertnews.gr
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