Daily Press Review - 21/5/2019

ΠΟΛΙΤΗΣ NEWS Δημοσιεύθηκε 21.5.2019
Daily Press Review - 21/5/2019
Joint Venture AVAX SA and Tema SA awarded the construction of City of Dreams Mediterranean Integrated Casino Resort in Limassol

Meetings in Hamburg to promote shipping

The Deputy Minister of Shipping, Natasa Pilides, and other representatives from the Deputy Ministry of Shipping, are on a two-day mission in Hamburg, in the context of promoting Cypriot Shipping and Cyprus as an international shipping centre. The Deputy Minister will conduct a series of meetings with various companies interested in Cyprus.

Significant reduction 51,1% in the first quarter of 2019

A significant reduction of 51,1% was noted in aviation for the first quarter of 2019, compared with the respective period of last year.

TERNA seeks to recruit high-calibre professionals

Joint Venture AVAX SA and Tema SA awarded the construction of City of Dreams Mediterranean Integrated Casino Resort in Limassol seeks to recruit professionals of a high-calibre in the following positions: architects, civil engineers, land surveyors, senior administrators, an administrator, an accountant, document controllers, secretaries

Tensions rise just before the GHS implementation

Approximately two weeks are left before the official implementation of the GHS’ first phase, and tensions rise among actors who support the GHS and those who do not. With their massive admissions in the GHS, citizens give a clear vote of confidence to the new scheme, meanwhile 821 doctors announced their registration to a Private Medical Network. It also seems that there is tension between OKYPY and PASYKI, as there are reports that over 25 doctors have resigned from state hospitals, resulting in serious problems especially for the Emergency Services. OKYPY have already announced their decision to hire 30 doctors, and 60 caregivers.

Increased rates of bowel cancer in young people

Recently, it was noted that there are increased rates of bowel cancer in individuals under the age of 50, and these numbers have increased greatly in the past few years in developed countries. The age group with the largest increase is 20-29, according to new research findings. Bowel cancer is the third most common cancer in the world, with 1,8 million new incidents, and 881.000 deaths in 2018.

Each cigarette pack to have a unique serial number

Yesterday, a new EU regulation was enforced by all EU member states, which stipulates the placement of a tracking system for all tobacco products within the EU. This decision was made in December 2017, and foresees that each pack of cigarettes or each pack of tobacco will have their own unique “serial” number, to make identifying its origin and tracking its course easier and faster. The main goal is to reduce tobacco smuggling or tax evasion even more. As of yesterday, all producers and suppliers of tobacco products are required to be registered in the tracking system.


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Ολυμπιακοί: Πρώτος στη μάχη από τα μέλη της κυπριακής ολυμπιακής ομάδας ο Μάριος Γεωργίου

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Αρχίζει νέες έρευνες φυσικού αερίου στη Ανατολική Μεσόγειο η Τουρκία

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Ο Κυριάκος Κόκκινος διορίστηκε στο ΔΣ του Ευρωπαϊκού Ινστιτούτου Καινοτομίας & Τεχνολογίας

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